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Home » Job Seekers » Fresher » Sourav Das Pupta
Sourav Das Gupta
Date of Birth:10-03-2023
Education: B.A
Key Skill: Multi media Course in Arena
Phone No:9337856825
033 256 78569
+91 933 581236585
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Brief Profile  
Date of Birth : 10 - 03 - 1985
Nationality : Indian
Religion : Hinduism
Language Known : English , Hindi, & Bengali
Marital status : Single
Sex : Male
Passport Id : H 12568852
Industry : It
Highest Degree : B.Sc (General)
Parmanent Address : Ganti, Thakurnagar, 24 PGS (N), Westbengal, India
Current Address: : Ganti, Thakurnagar, 24 PGS (N), Westbengal, India
Summary of Skills & Experience  
My experience and education have provided me detail working knowledge of these key areas:Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), Creation and management of Blogs & Pull Posting,Market Research & Analysis,Site Structuring Analysis,Campaign planning and Execution will help your organisation to execute SEO planning for your official site as well as client sites.You can find me as a highly motivated, excellent, interpersonal communication and analytical skilled professional with progressive experience and established track record of achievements.I have spent countless hours learning my craft and I love this internet business. I know my job very well and I can do that same job for your websites as well. I assist people in obtaining top spots on Google. Quality, reliability and achieving the desired results with people's websites are what I am about.
Project or Internship Experiences:
Project Name : Live Man Power
Duration : 2 Months
Company or Institution Name : GWT Pvt. Ltd.
Project activities details : Design, Html, Flash animation everything done by me
Feed back/ remarks : This is a demo text and it will be change by the original text.
Project Name : Live Man Power
Duration : 2 Months
Company or Institution Name : GWT Pvt. Ltd.
Project activities details : Design, Html, Flash animation everything done by me
Feed back/ remarks : This is a demo text and it will be change by the original text.
Project or Internship Experiences:
B.Sc, General, 2001
Diploma, Computers, 2000, NIIT
IT Skill and Projects:
Skill Name Last Used Experience
Office Package 2009 3year(s) 0 Month(s)
Internet, Email 2009 6year(s) 5 Month(s)
Photoshop 2008 1year(s) 6 Month(s)
Illustrator 2007 2year(s) 2 Month(s)
3D Max 2008 1year(s) 0 Month(s)
Google Base Submission 2009 3year(s) 6 Month(s)
Family Backgrounds  
Father Nameh : Chinmoy Roy
Occupation : Business Man
Mother Name : Minati Roy
Occupation : House Whife
Affirmative Action:
Category : General
Physically Challenged : No
Work Authorisation:
Work Status for the UK : Need H1 Visa
Job Type : Permanent
Job Seeker Employment Status : Full Time
SWOT Analysis:  
Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats
Education Recent return to workplace Industry change creates high demand Market changing
Special skills Lack of education New technology Known competing applicants
Applicable job experience Job traits Specific job openings Strong internal candidate
Demonstrated successes   Connection to target company  
Strengths, for those who are fresh and going to make a debut, may include the education background, the expertise of relevant profession, any other certification acquired making a plus and of course affiliation with prestigious educational institutions as a plus sometimes. Whereas, for those who intend to switch over, strength also includes the experience in a certain field and affiliation with some well known organization. Personal strengths include the personality & its traits i.e. personal appearance, flexibility, adaptability, attitude, tolerance, aptitude and so on.

While talking about the weaknesses, there are different perceptions and observations that depict the weakness. But those traits which can be improved are generally termed as weakness. These traits can become the strength if improved, like if somebody is weaken in computer skills it can be improved with some practice and training. Hence identifying the weaknesses is also the strength indeed.
Opportunities are the situations available for those strengths representing one's value to be hired giving certain fringe benefits at the cost of utilization of these strengths. For a fresh candidate, every opportunity is the first step towards the future career and MUST be availed to stronger its "Strength Factor" and overcome the weakness (since remaining jobless for a longer also becomes the weakness for both the fresh as well as jobless persons).
Threats for career may include job security, other competitors available either at less salary or with more previous experience, job terms and conditions making one bound to serve for a definite period of time, competition among the skilled worker class, the demand of expertise, relocation and extensive traveling etc.
What advantages do you have?
What do you do better than anyone else?
What unique or low-cost resources do you have to offer?
What do others see as your strengths?
How do you help close the sale or reduce overhead?
What areas can you improve?
What areas should you avoid?
What areas should you avoid?
Where do you fail when trying to close a sale or reduce costs?
Where opportunities are facing you?
What interesting trends can you identify and take advantage of, such as changes in technology, regulations, social patterns, etc.?
What is happening in your market that can promote new business development?;
What obstacles do you face?
What is your competition doing that you should be worried about?
Are the required specifications for your job, products or services changing?
Is changing technology threatening your position?
Do you have bad debt or cash-flow problems?
Could any of your weaknesses seriously threaten your business?
Social Media  
Reference Video:  
About Your Self   Why Should we hireYou?   Interview tactics   Interview Question
This is a demo text and it will be change by the original text. This is a demo text and it will be change by the original text. This is a demo text and it will be change by the original text.
This is a demo text and it will be change by the original text. This is a demo text and it will be change by the original text. This is a demo text and it will be change by the original text.
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