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In 1974, Srila Prabhupada was looking out from his room at ISKCON's Mayapur, when he noticed a group of village children fighting with street dogs over scraps of food. Shocked and saddened by what he saw, Srila Prabhupada turned to his disciple and said, "Imagine how hungry they are! Krishna is the Supreme Father, and where ever the Father is, children should not go hungry." He gave a mandate: “No one within ten miles radius of ISKCON Mayapur temple should go hungry.”
  These prophetic and historic words rang loudly and inspired his followers to expand into a global network of prasadam distribution services. Charity of karma free food distribution—Food For Life, as the name suggests, is a unique welfare and philanthropic project for bringing food and life to the needy of the world through the liberal distribution of sanctified vegetarian meals. To expand this project to benefit underprivileged people in the country, ISKCON has formed a non-profit, non-religious, non-sectarian charitable food distribution program, FOOD FOR LIFE MAYAPUR (FFLM)
by providing free quality food as a free to the economically weaker rural people to eradicate hunger and malnutrition to the disadvantaged, wherever there is a need in the world.

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  This is a demo title 02
This is a demo text and it will be change by the original text. This is a demo text and it will be change by the original text. This is a demo text and it will be change by the original text. This is a demo text and it will be change by the original text.       read more...
  This is a demo title 03
This is a demo text and it will be change by the original text. This is a demo text and it will be change by the original text. This is a demo text and it will be change by the original text. This is a demo text and it will be change by the original text.       read more...


  Activities 01
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  Activities 01
This is a demo text and it will be change by the original text. This is a demo text and it will       read more...
  Activities 01
This is a demo text and it will be change by the original text. This is a demo text and it will       read more...
  Activities 01
This is a demo text and it will be change by the original text. This is a demo text and it will       read more...
  Activities 01
This is a demo text and it will be change by the original text. This is a demo text and it will       read more...
  Activities 01
This is a demo text and it will be change by the original text. This is a demo text and it will       read more...
  Activities 01
This is a demo text and it will be change by the original text. This is a demo text and it will       read more...
  Activities 01
This is a demo text and it will be change by the original text. This is a demo text and it will       read more...
  Activities 01
This is a demo text and it will be change by the original text. This is a demo text and it will       read more...
  Activities 01
This is a demo text and it will be change by the original text. This is a demo text and it will       read more...
  Activities 01
This is a demo text and it will be change by the original text. This is a demo text and it will       read more...
  Activities 01
This is a demo text and it will be change by the original text. This is a demo text and it will       read more...
  Activities 01
This is a demo text and it will be change by the original text. This is a demo text and it will       read more...
  Activities 01
This is a demo text and it will be change by the original text. This is a demo text and it will       read more...
  Activities 01
This is a demo text and it will be change by the original text. This is a demo text and it will       read more...
  Activities 01
This is a demo text and it will be change by the original text. This is a demo text and it will       read more...
  Activities 01
This is a demo text and it will be change by the original text. This is a demo text and it will       read more...
  Activities 01
This is a demo text and it will be change by the original text. This is a demo text and it will       read more...
  Activities 01
This is a demo text and it will be change by the original text. This is a demo text and it will       read more...
  Activities 01
This is a demo text and it will be change by the original text. This is a demo text and it will       read more...
  Activities 01
This is a demo text and it will be change by the original text. This is a demo text and it will       read more...
  Activities 01
This is a demo text and it will be change by the original text. This is a demo text and it will       read more...
  Activities 01
This is a demo text and it will be change by the original text. This is a demo text and it will       read more...
  Activities 01
This is a demo text and it will be change by the original text. This is a demo text and it will       read more...


"This is a demo text and it will be change by the original text. This is a demo text and it will be change by the original text. This is a demo text and it will be change by the"
Sri. Shyamsundar...
"This is a demo text and it will be change by the original text. This is a demo text and it will be change by the original text. This is a demo text and it will be change by the"
Sri. Shyamsundar...
"This is a demo text and it will be change by the original text. This is a demo text and it will be change by the original text. This is a demo text and it will be change by the"
Sri. Shyamsundar...
"This is a demo text and it will be change by the original text. This is a demo text and it will be change by the original text. This is a demo text and it will be change by the"
Sri. Shyamsundar...
" No one within ten miles radius of ISKCON Mayapur temple should go
Srila Prabhupada
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This is a demo text and it will be change by
original text. This is a demo text and it will be change by the original text.This is a demo text and it will be change by the original text.
Dadicated to His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, the founder-acharya of International Society for Krishna Consciousness. © Copyright www.FFLmayapur.com 2010. Site Design & Develop by Compete Infotech   Home | About UsL | Projects | Galleries | News | Our Donors | Donate | Contact us | Videos | Feedback | Site Map | Blog