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You are at > Home Page   Wednesday, 29th June 2010
“Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit; wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad” - anon
Have you noticed how many pages there are on the internet offering information on financial services and products? Probably – we have. Its a wonder that you found us burried in amoungst them all.
Did you know that if you printed off all the pages relevent to financial services on the internet and laid them end to end it would stretch from The Earth to The Moon? Maybe....
You see, that’s the problem with information; sometimes there is so much of it that it can be hard to seperate the trustworthy from the not-so. What information there is that can be relied upon is often so full of techno-babble and buzz words you can end up more confused than when you started, or, its so santisied that you loose the will to go on and don’t benefit from the knowledge.

We are aware that what most people want is convenience and clarity, spending countless evenings trawling through pages looking for what is ‘probably’ the most accurate answer seems to us niether particularly convenient nor clarifying. Knowledge can be a strange thing at times, because its not always how much you know (and our case it’s really rather a great deal) but how you apply that knowledge that matters.


So, our website does not contain pages of information on products - there are plenty of other websites out there doing that already. All we want you to do initially is understand the principles of the service or product you are interesting in, then we would like to talk with you, listen to you and help you get exactly what you want. Along the way we will give you all the information you need so that you can be assured you end up with what you set out to acheive.

All you have to do is call us, email us, or, complete the ‘contact us’ form and we’ll take it from there.

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is a trading style of Starz Co UK Limited. Starz Co UK Limited is an appointed representative of the Mortgage Intelligence Network which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority.