Failure is the pillar of success

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Many of us have heard about this famous saying that failure is the pillar of success. The saying as it goes is very true because one cannot reach the path of success unless and until one tastes the failure. Many a times we find that success comes quickly without any hard labor but that success does not gives that much amount of happiness .A person may have the taste of failure in life and had seen the worst situation in his life but that doesn’t mean that he will not be successful in future.

Success is an art of achieving things against odds. To grapple with the odds that come in the way, the first step is to face the challenge. While meeting the challenge, you will definitely be overwhelmed by the challenge in the initial changes and as you gain experience and the confidence over a period, you will know the trick of getting over the problems. Failure is a chance to stand up and start again more intelligently. The trials or failures are chances for us to become more strong and conscious about how to tackle the worst condition and get the way to success. A good example for this is a true story where a boy who gave the higher secondary examination for four times but he was not able to clear himself at last he was terrible disappointed and thought to commit suicide fortunately his best friend happen to visit his house and he inspired him by saying that  do you know that” failure is the pillar of success” .After that day the boy began to think positive and studied with new zeal which resulted In his passing out of higher secondary exam with flying colours. Thus one should think positive and have the guards to face the failure in order to reach the path of success.

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