Sourav's Archive


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Personality can be defined as a dynamic and organized set of characteristics possessed by a person that uniquely influences his or her cognition, motivations, and behaviors in various situations. Personality is thought to be determined largely by genetics and biology, by environment and experiences, or by some combination resulting thereof. There is evidence for all [...]

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Responsibility is something which cannot be defined exactly because the state of being responsible refers to trust debt or obligation. Today life must be characterized by a sense of universal responsibility Not only nation to nation and human to human  but also human to others forms of life. Therefore responsibility means that you and alone [...]

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Modern Women

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There was a time when women were suppressed and dominated by the male .Even we found that a girl child was not able to continue her studies and were just kept at home thinking what is the use of spending money behind a girl so it’s better to make a boy more educated . But [...]

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Qualities of a Good leader

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Every person cannot be a good leader .We often here that he or she is a born leader. Basically by leader we mean a person standing in front and giving debate to the audience. It’s not about standing on a stage or being an outspoken visionary .A person can be a born leader or he [...]

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Children’s are like flowers

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Children in a family are like flowers in a bouquet: there’s always one determined to face in an opposite direction from the way the arranger desires. If anyone asks me what is the best gift one can ever imagine to have in life I can say that it is the children and there is the [...]

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Good content writing require patience, concentration and dedication

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Writing itself is a art and to deliver a good content one should have patience to write, concentrate on what he or she is writing and above all one should have the dedication towards the job. Writing is something difficult job which cannot be done by all. Writing is not a child’s play and it [...]

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Role of web designer in SEO services

This item was filled under [ SEO Web Design Services ]

Basically SEO services are very important for any business with a website .we find that internet users go for search regarding different things and get their information’s but we find that the search engines hardly go beyond the first page for their search so the business lies mainly on the first page and this can [...]

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Confidence boosts up energy level

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In this world of competition where each and everyone is running fast in order to reach their destination  it is really important for one to have a lot of energy to run as well as confidence. People always talk about confidence rather self-confidence but what exactly self-confidence is? Can you just “boost your self-confidence” on [...]

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Team work definitely leads to success

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In today’s world we find competition for each and every thing in such situation success is a critical factor and we know that each one of us are trying to reach the top most level thus creating as atmosphere of jealousy hatred for each other. But if you want to achieve something you need to [...]

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Laughing keeps one fit and healthy

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It is a true fact that we are living in a challenging and stressful environment. Each and every day we are facing a lot of problems and stress in our day to day life like at home at work place. Stress is something which each one experiences and this stress gives rise to anxiety depression, [...]

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