
Different Types of Digital Marketing:

The impact of digital marketing on the modern business world is beyond any doubt. Digital marketing means marketing through digital media which is effectively and economically the internet. Digital marketing for a business requires primarily a website working as portal or shop of the business. With the deadly competition in the market there are billions of websites over the internet. The target of digital marketing strategy is to promote a website to increase the traffic.

There are generally two types of marketing are done in digital marketing strategy:

Pull Marketing: Here the customers search for the services or products through internet surfing. To be visible to the customer easily, the primary concern is to optimize the web contents so that it becomes meaningful to the search terms that they enter while using a search engine like Google or Yahoo or others. This digital marketing strategy involves search engine optimization, creating web promotions, blogging etc so that the website falls within the top results of a natural search.

Push Marketing: This digital marketing technique requires the participation of both the marketers and the consumers. The marketing is done via sending e mails, messages, creating feeds etc.

Digital Marketing models:

Now let’s have a look on the different models of digital marketing:digital marketing

E-Commerce: In this business model products are directly sold to the consumers, organizations.

Lead Based Websites: Some business organizations generate sales lead from using website. Sales leads are generated from digital marketing, spam, social media marketing, trade fair etc.

Affiliate Marketing: This is a digital marketing model in which products or services offered by an organization is marketed by another active organization.

Local Internet Marketing: Here a small organization uses the internet for this marketing which generally involves social medias as tools.

One-to-one Approaches: In this digital marketing model the relationship between the marketer and user is one to one. The advertiser generally targets a user having interest on them by contacting him personally.

Call for Specific Interests: In this sort of digital marketing the marketers usually divides the website contents as per some specific groups. The groups may be based on age or some other interests.

Niche Marketing: This digital marketing model is for some specific purpose which does not contain the general overall idea but a specialized one.

Geo Targeting: Here the geographical locations of the visitors are targeted like their location, country, language etc for marketing.

Digital Marketing Strategies:

The most important part of any marketing in any business is a good strategy. Without a properly designed strategy, the business will not survive I the present competitive market. Designing a strategy involves proper analyzing the requirements based on the market research, proper planning, efficient scheduling based on the project workload and proper execution of the plan.

While designing a business strategy for digital marketing one should keep certain things in mind.

  • Identifying the challenges and key opportunities
  • Identify the requirements and choice of the customers through extensive market reviews. The blogging can help this purpose as it provides an interactive mean to connect to the customers.
  • Carefully vigil what happens over internet including the result of your strategic campaign.
  • Properly schedule your initiatives as per the priorities.

The main part is the successful execution of the strategy that can help the digital marketing purpose. Try not to do everything by yourself. Often hiring an expert internet strategist helps this purpose.

If you are interested to know more about the digital marketing feel free to write me at info@competeinfotech.com

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