Laughing keeps one fit and healthy

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It is a true fact that we are living in a challenging and stressful environment. Each and every day we are facing a lot of problems and stress in our day to day life like at home at work place. Stress is something which each one experiences and this stress gives rise to anxiety depression, frustration and anger. One may have a lot of questions like how to get relief from stress and what is the way to get rid of depression?     It may sound to you funny but it is really true that laughing is the best way to get rid of stress     relief. Laughing boosts your moods as well your confidence. Laughing brighten our perspective, improves our quality of life, and lightens the day. Laughter develops our confidence and makes us more confident, thus making us a better communicator.

Researchers indicate that laughter significantly reduce stress hormones, lowers your blood pressure cholesterol and boosts the oxygen level in your blood. What are the methods which make you laugh? Well there are many ways to make your laughter motor going on. One of the best methods is funny sayings and jokes. Funny saying on good colored posters on work space can really brighten up the work area and keeps your mood good & fresh throughout the day. Funny sayings are really fun to read and can help out in almost any situation. One can even put funny sayings on his t-shirt and grab everyone’s attention on the street. So, Funny sayings, indeed, keeps your laughter motor going smoothly. Simplicity is beautiful so keep the life simple, so live a life with less stress and more fun. You need not to take the hassles of going to cinema in order to reduce Your stress ,what you need to do is just turn on your computer and read more funny jokes and sayings. You need not have to pay any single penny for laughing but more you laugh more you will remain healthy, fit, and fine. I bet that you will feel good and live a long and healthy life.

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