Google’s New Ranking Factor in 2010

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Google is now adding something new in their ranking factor. Recently in an interview Google’s Matt Cutts said that the page load speed will be a main factor to rank in Google. In a recent interview to Webpro news reporter Mike McDonald Googles Matt Cutts has given a clear conception on how google is adding the new factor in Google’s Ranking Algorithm. Before that it was a part of google adwords but now it has become a main part of the Googles ranking factors.

Google\'s Matt Cutts on Site Speed and the Caffeine Update

Below there are some of excerpt by Matt Cutt:

Historically, we haven’t had to use it in our search rankings, but a lot of people within Google think that the web should be fast. It should be a good experience, and so it’s sort of fair to say that if you’re a fast site, maybe you should get a little bit of a bonus. If you really have an awfully slow site, then maybe users don’t want that as much.
I think a lot of people in 2010 are going to be thinking more about ‘how do I have my site be fast,’ how do I have it be rich without writing a bunch of custom javascript?

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