Ethical Statics vs. Diplomatic Dynamism in Marketing

This item was filled under [ SEO Web Design Services ]

Speaking of the talents and outstanding caliber of the professionals today, it is noteworthy that the ultimate game is in the outcome. A highly educated or a richly experienced person can turn out to be invalid in context of inappropriate or underrated performance.

Let us try to analyze this issue from 2 different aspects of life:

Andy is an organized and ethically balanced marketing professional who has got pretty handy experience in SEO web design services. Along with that, he is fundamentally a helping and co-operating individual. In many occasions, he has liberally gifted a substantial degree of leads to some of his colleagues who were down with their target that month. Not only that, he has a peculiar habit of buying in to a client to evoke a mutually exhaustive business deal. In this regards, he has generated considerable fame for his organization as a humane one but lost potential grounds for direct conversions. Well, I don’t want you to get the wrong notion that he doesn’t have the capacity to mould the client rather he is cordial enough to see the benefits from both the ends.

Jimmy, on the other hand is smart enough to bring uncountable conversions under his credit. There are instances, almost none where somebody in his organization parallel to him has got benefited from his activities. It is his nature as a whole to focus on the vertical alignment where he will find only his direct subordinates and superiors. Selling out the services whether be it SEO or is it web design at the ultimate is his primary and secondary target. There is no question of humanitarian acts related to his activities – clients benefit from his point of view is in direct proportion to the lucrative offers he can bring of his company and himself as a whole.

In sharp contrast, these 2 individuals believe in 2 different rationales and act accordingly. Their achievements and successes in life in centered on the principles they are bound to. Well, it is an ardent and dynamic choice in front of us to opt for the paths adopted by them as we are to step into the harsh reality if marketing or professional life as a whole.

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