The Virtual World of Business Process Outsourcing

This item was filled under [ Offshore Outsourcing ]

Little did Ross Perot assume the gigantic growth of business process outsourcing when he conceptualized the idea. And now, quite in tune with the dream he had had in his heart, this general idea is turning out to be a crucial factor in determining the course of a business. Now, where exactly lies the craze of this new commercial mantra is yet to be clearly analyzed.

From an analytic framework of mind, we have a wide ocean of dimensions open in front of us. To be very honest, it is not just the money that keeps up the motivation of a BPO executive rather there are some other adjacent factors that tie them up with the trend. The offshore outsourcing and the onshore outsourcing have mutually influencing rationalities in the true essence of the terms. Cheap and effective labor is of course the biggest motivation of the investors and the entrepreneurs. It is really a paradox of propaganda if we look deeper into the process.

When you step in to the world of virtual reality, you tend to feel different from what you are from inside. Pulling the whole world into a single room is not impossibility these days. You get Robert sitting in UK along with Farouq in Pakistan having a serious discussion with mark in USA, Satnam in India and Jonah in Canada. Nothing is impossible – you have a membership and be sure to be a part of the virtual conference happening out there among plenty of individuals.

The multinational and multi-cultural association of professionals is what makes the whole system unique in itself. In addition to that, there is a probability of synergy in the work proves as each individual has the capacity to influence other’s activities to a large extent.

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