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taking the devil out of the detail
You are at >Investments Page   Wednesday, 29th June 2010

 “The lack of money is the root of all evil” – George Bernard Shaw

How many of us actually make hay when the sun shines? Savings Provider ING says that the average (there’s that word again) person in the UK has just over £2,000 in savings*. This would suggest that many of us are busy enjoying our financial weather today rather than planning for what is over the horizon.


We know it’s dull to talk about saving and certainly many of us think that there is only just enough money to match a month, or even, we think that we have more important things to do with our hard earned cash than make it work hard for us. But that’s why we are here. We talk about it so that you don’t have to: all you have to do is listen and, hopefully, do.


Saving and looking to the future is quite like getting fit. It starts off as hard work; you might even resent it initially. However, after some perseverance you will get used to it and all that hard work will pay off. A lot of us do more of it once we have got the hang of it and we feel better as a result. What’s more, much like fitness training, saving enables us to be more active (financially) and do more in the future.

At the moment, savings and investments are areas that we don’t provide advice on. Keeping in line with our fitness analogy, our area of coaching is specific to protecting you and your family: we work closely with Independent Financial Advisors who would be your savings and investment personal trainer. The professionals that we refer you to are trusted by us to provide you with the best advice possible and will treat you with the same customer focused service that you expect from us. They will be responsible for the advice that is given to you.


It is possible that to get the most out of your money you would benefit from the advice of many specialists. Through our network, we can introduce you to providers who will discuss and advise you on a whole range of products and services that go far beyond structured investments like pensions and ISAs. International and domestic property investment, fine wine trading, CFD trading, Permanent Interest Bearing Shares are just some examples of the products, schemes and services that are available, many of which are not commonly known about or understood.

To find out more and to be referred to our specialists for investment advice designed to suit you, please either call us or complete the enquiry form.

To find out more information please contact us and arrange to meet with one of our advisors who will be able to assist you with a wide range of money related matters.
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