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Graphic and Flash animation Design

“Graphic Design is purposeful, informational, and a visual language” .Everything in the world is affected by graphic design. Computers revolutionized graphic design, therefore, increasing its impact in all walks of life.

The influences of design are reflected in many different areas. In commercial advertising, graphic design is used often to express the products ideas and purposes. It also gives a sense of interest and wonder. When quality graphic designs are produced, they are appealing to the eye and lets things that couldn’t be done in real life be done. For instance, if you are shooting a movie and you want something to fly, such as in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, all people have to do to make it look realistic is computerize the image and graphically produce the image of flying. Without graphic design, everything would be very bland and boring. From the way we dress, to the way things are made, graphic design takes place in one point or another.

Graphic design is also used in machine production. In order to make a machine part, you first need to draw it out in size and proportion. This is done easily by computers. Then, it goes off to a machine that pro

use dimensions to show how big the building will be (Martin, 1994, p. 43). This was made much easier with computers. They made straight lines and were easier to read. Printers for computers became very fast and were much cleaner than actually drawing, due to it being very easy to smudge the pencil lead.

duces the right material into the right shape. The machine itself is a design alone. Everything is designed for either function or looks. The designs that are put on paper that take place before the final product is made are called sketches, three-view drawings, and detail drawings (Mrs. Jones, personal interview). The drawings help make the designing process much easier and less time-consuming.

Computers were in evolution dating back to the 1950’s. The first models were so big that they filled up whole rooms and were very primitive compared to today’s society. The growing communications industry and rapid growth of scientific studies gave the revolution of computers a jump start. Typographers started to open up trade shops at an accelerated rate at this time, and that started graphic design firms. These firms formed in big cities such as New York, Dallas, Houston, Los Angeles, and San Francisco (Sparkman, 1999, p. 4). The programs on the computers were anything but state-of-the-art. The fonts were cheap imitations of the print that the professionals used (Goodman, 2000, p. 21). This ceased the evolution for the time being because of the inconvenience. The World Wide Web has become an integral part of many organizations, and groups as diverse as Coca-Cola, the United States government, and high school students have sites that bring their messages to the world. In the years that the Web has become popular, Web design has gained in popularity, as well. Most users can quickly name sites that they like and don't like as well as sites that are easy to use. However, most users do not recognize that the difference between those sites is the application of graphic design principles. This research considers the role of graphic design in Web design, including the difference between the two, how graphic design can enhance the image of the Web site, and the outlook for the role of graphic design in Web design.When the Web first began gaining popularity, there were some who maintained that effective Web design was simply effective graphic design brought to the computer screen. On-line Web pagesùinitiallyùwere not treated differently than on line documents or even printed documents. While it is certainly true that Web sites need strong graphic design elements to be successful, Web design extends beyond just the visual presentation of information. The data that is displayed and entered on the Web site must be processed by databases and applications in the "back office" of the organization, and these processes must link seamlessly to the Web site.
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Graphic Design
Getting more visitors to a website is just a breeze today. With lots of search engine optimization strategies available out there, you can get a swarm of visitors to your new website very quickly. Though getting visitors to your new website is easy, the real challenge is making the visitors stay in your website. Most importantly, the visitors of your website should become returning visitors or loyal customers. All these factors depend on the web design. The web design must ensure that it's user friendly along with being attractive. User friendly web design is a factor that can be easily developed whereas an attractive web design is a complicated task. Thankfully, with the introduction of flash animation in website design, creating attractive websites has become much easier than ever before. Apart from being attractive, the web pages with flash animation have many other benefits too. Just keep reading on the article to know the 3 important benefits of flash animated website design.The only problem that existed with the flash animated websites is that they were not being crawled by the search engine bots. Thanks to the advancements in search engine algorithms, flash animations are no longer ignored by the search engines. Flash animated websites have already started appear in the Google search results. According to search engine optimization experts, the web designs with flash animation will be given preference by all the major search engines in future. Hence it is wise to get website designed in flash animation technology now.Websites with some still images and text will need to interactivity from the visitor. All the visitor of this page can do is to stare at the page and hence the chances of the visitor exit are high in these pages. Now let's consider the flash animation in the webpages. The flash animations will get some input from the visitor of the site thereby making them stay in the website for quite a long time. We can create interactive navigation in the website which will keep the visitors entertained along with making them see all your web pages.There are countless numbers of website online today. Hence it is important to get highlighted in the crowd to get noticed. You will be well aware of the fact that not many sites out there have started incorporating flash animation. Most of the sites are still using static text and images which make the sites look dead. On the other hand, if you include some flash animations in your website, you site will look lively and will be highlighted in the crowd.The flash animated websites are readily available today. Many professional web design companies have started offering flash web design templates. All you have to do is to pick the best suitable web design template and customize it according to your needs.
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Search Engine Optimisation Services


Compete Infotech: Outsource Your Search Engine Optimization

Compete Infotech has turned out to be one of biggest Search Engine Optimization (SEO) company in India. With offices in Kolkata & London, Compete Infotech has already employed more than 35 expert marketing professionals. All of our Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Consultants and executives are fully qualified in Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques along with a generic knowledge in some programming languages which will be highly effective for the company and the clients outsourcing us their projects.

Highlights of our SEO:

Search Engine Optimization & SEO Consultation

The project requirement clarification has to be done in the very beginning. The very process of Search Engine Optimization is to maximize targeted traffic e and pull a mass of visitors to a specified website. If we are sustain in the industry for a considerable period of time, it is always better to deploy White Hat ethical SEO techniques. Included in the normal procedure, we have the analysis for the traffic statistics, identification of keywords and phrases for optimization of the website content and promotional activities. To analyze the targeted traffic, it is imperative to pay special attention to the SEO tools selection so the SEO Consultation is perfect from the general point of view.

On Page Search Engine Optimization

The On Page Search Engine Optimization will allow the search engines to crawl and find the structure of your website. Through an extensive research, our experienced quality assurance team is able to seek out all the inputs that you require for your website to be ranked in the leading Search Engines. On page Search Engine optimization is generally deployed at the start of any project and is continuously checked on a monthly basis. Along with the generic process, there is an additional requirement of professional copywriting as per the structure of the site and page numbers. On Page SEO will of course be followed by a quality Off Page Search Engine Optimization process.

SEO Reporting

A Search Engine Optimization project is controlled, regulated and updated with the popular search engines through the regular process. The optimization report is crucial for monitoring the flow of the SEO process. Among the key activities, we have competitive traffic analysis and rank reports generation which will detail the monthly changes of keywords, CPA data and other related factors. The details of an Off Page Search Engine Optimization along with the link building reports on submission of articles, directories, blogs and other similar things are covered in these SEO reports.
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Off Page Search Engine Optimization

For better search results and a long-term existence of the major keywords of the website in the search engine, there is requirement of a judicious mix of On Page and Off Page Search Engine optimization service. The industry is quite competitive and will never allow a specific site to settle down for a long period of time with respect to the targeted keywords. Thus, a standard and smart SEO activity series is required for sustainable results.

The general aspects are covered as below:

Directory Submissions
Article Creation and Submission into Article Directories
Themed Links from Other Websites
Blog Integration (writing and posting)
Social Media Marketing
Other than these Off Page Search Engine Optimization process, we do offer a range of activities that will bring your website on the top level of searches along with keeping them in the position for a long duration of time. A crucial factor for your SEO success is a long term authority over the popular Search engines which are directly proportional to the quality of Off Page activities going on around your website.
Pay per click (PPC) Internet advertising | Google AdWord Management | Cost per click (CPC) Management | Keyword Research | PPC Management Prices

Pay Per Click Management

Pay Per Click (PPC) is a pricing model that guarantees that your website will appear in list of results for a search queries that have been specified by you. You website’s ranking is determined on the basis of what you pay. The highest bidder gets the highest ranking.PPC is essentially a method of advertising your website on search engine results (in the sponsored result listing) where advertisers bid against each other to be the top search result on particular keywords or keyword phrases. For e.g. you have a website that offers computer items and peripherals and you want it to appear in the sponsored results of 'Overture', you can simply create an account and place appropriate bid for your website. If you ever make a keyword query on prominent search engines, you will find ad boxes or sponsored links on top or on the right side of the actual results. Your website will appear in those areas. Your website advertisement will be visible next to search engine results. On every instant when a visitor happens to click on your site, you will be charged for that click. Cost per click is the bidding amount you have agreed to pay whenever there is a click on your result.
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Custom Web Development
Bespoke, easy to maintain, data driven websites
for your business at affordable prices.
Availability of code samples, Cost Savings, Economies of Scale, Better Service Quality, Fresh Perspective , Keeping Up to Date, Subject Matter Experts , Better Risk Management, Professional Project Management , Less Bureaucracy , Training Services,Diversity of functions and Popularity , this is the main key factors of web development . Because of the highly competitive nature of the Web development industry, Web development firms must perform at a very high level at all times in order to keep their clients satisfied. As you only pay for time used, outsourcing Web development frequently results in significant savings. In-house IT and marketing teams are frequently backed up and projects progress slowly. A professional Web development firm will have the resources to start projects immediately and complete them quickly. As Web development is handled on a client/service provider basis, service tends to be better than that provided by in-house staff. Working with an outside Web development firm can provide fresh perspectives and new ideas which can ultimately enhance your marketing message and functionality. Technology changes rapidly, and top professional Web development firms have greater appreciation of Web technology developments and can determine which emerging technologies can be beneficial to your company. Risks are reduced as the Web development partner will have prior knowledge and experience on projects and only offer proven working solutions. Not only will they have more real world experience, but they will also be better at mitigating the risks involved in handling delicate tasks like upgrades and security management.
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Web Development
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Offshore Outsourcing

Offshore outsourcing is the apply of hiring an external association to achieve some business functions in a country other than the one where the products or services are essentially developed or manufactured which can be difference with offshoring, in which the functions are executed in a overseas country by a overseas subsidiary. Adversary point out that the practice of sending work overseas by countries with higher pay diminish their own domestic service and domestic investment. Many customer service jobs as well as jobs in the information technology sectors such as data processing, computer programming, and technical support in countries such as the United States and the United Kingdom - have been or are potentially affected.

There are four fundamental types of offshore outsourcing :

ITO — Information Technology Outsourcing
BPO — Business Process Outsourcing which cover up running call centers, processing insurance claims etc.
Software R&D — offshore software development
KPO - Knowledge Process Outsourcing which cover up the requirement of a higher skill set such as reading X-Rays, performing investment research on stocks and bonds, managing the accounting functions for a business or performing engineering design projects.
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Blog Marketing | Web Marketing | Article & Press Release Marketing | Social Media & Bookmarking | Website Marketing | Video Marketing | Online Advertising | Rss Feed
Internet Marketing
Transform existing non web based application
to make it accessible from a standard web browser.
The internet can be a powerful tool that can put you on solid footing with bigger companies. On the other hand, the other companies may have more money to pay for advertising. Here are a couple of things to keep in mind as you analyze your internet marketing strategy.Your store is open, 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week. Further, your customers are worldwide in reach, and can shop anytime that they want to, the cost of spreading your message is next to nothing. Emailing your subscription base is more oftne cheaper than sending a letter through the mail, updating your subscribers can be done almost instantly through email. Visitors to your website can get up to the minute information on each visit. If you are having a sale, your customers can start shopping at the discounted prices literally as soon as they open their email,- if you have an information sensitive business, such as a law firm, newspaper or online magazine, you can deliver your products directly to your customers without having to use a courier. The most important internet marketing advantage is the wide reach it has to customers at any place any time. The services or products of your company can be seen about anywhere in the world on internet due to internet marketing. Internet marketing is one of the sources in the world of advertising to promote your business as well as business products or business services as it helps in reaching your target audience.
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Internet Marketing

What can be done?

The possibilities are immense but here a few things that can be done:
Customer Self-service portals
Employees Time and Attendance Tracking
Collaboration solutions
Company Portals
Vendor Management / Procurement Solutions
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