Career counseling

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We find many a times students after completing their studies cannot choose the right type of career and are often misguided by different people. At this point of time one needs to have the guidance and advice of such a person who can really help to find a way out such a kind of person is called councilor. Counselors are experienced, qualified professionals who understand the difficulties of career choices and can offer appropriate advice to each individual .Career counseling is sought when an individual needs confidential guidance and help about areas of study and possible career movements or changes. This type of support involves meeting with an appropriate counselor who will ask a variety of questions about your life plans and career intentions. They will also make sure you have as much information possible about the path you are considering and ensure it suits your personality.   If an individual experiences a personal issue about their future and wants to discuss or discover opportunities about their career plans, they can do so with a counselor.

How career counseling can help

1)      Personal plans of action can be generated

2)      Interests, skills and abilities can be recognized

3)      Educated decisions about future direction can be made

4)      Job search planning

5)      a portfolio of abilities can be created

6)      Graduate employment and availability can be explored

7) University requirements can be investigated

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