Importance of directory submission in Search Engine Optimization

Now a days make a website popular is a very difficult job. Search Engine Optimization can convert it into a very much easy. Search engine optimization has many steps to populate your website in world of business.Basic step of seo is directory submission which is very much important.Directory submission is one of the best method of seo to make a website very popular.So,there is many criteria for having a good quality feedback.At first choose a best web directory site for submission.These web directory should have a good page rank at the main directory page,it is mandatory.Then quality backlinks which is very much important to trust a web directory site.Now it comes  to search engine rankings which is likely a good candidate to pass after that age of the site because google gives importance to older sites than newer sites.Then give importance to category designs  of the site because in the time of submission it very much important to choose a right category after that a sub category which specify the type of site which we are going to submit. Other wise it mixed up all types of site which is very harmfull for those site which submitted . Then it comes to process of submission which allow to get in, add site and get out of it.Now we need to submit an unique description or content which can give a detail information about the site so it can give a good information.Above all the link approval time which is very important to web directory where we are going to submit our site.A good web directory should have a very good traffic which help to convert a general directory to a best directory.SO,these are the mandatory things to get a best  web directory for directory submission. Now it is very much clear that directory submission have how importance in process of search engine optimization.

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Nilanjan posted at 2023-12-2 Category: Uncategorized

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