Social Media Marketing & Social Network Marketing

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Social Media Marketing & Social Network Marketing
Hi, I am Atanu Paul. Today I want to share a little knowledge about Socal Media Marketing & Social Networking
Social media marketing is a term that defines application of social networks, online communities, blogs, wikis or any other online cooperative media for marketing, sales, public relations and customer service. Mostly used social media marketing tools include Twitter, blogs, LinkedIn, Facebook etc.
In the circumstance of Internet marketing, social media refers to a corporate group of web properties whose content is mainly published by users, not direct employees of the holding.
Social network marketing or social level marketing is an advertising process that makes use of social network service and to increases the traffic presence in any web. These rates from simply advertising directly on social networking sites, viral marketing that spreads throughout the web, email, and word of mouth or providing niche social networking sites lead around the item being promoted.
Many sites include boasts where companies can create their own profiles. For example, on Facebook companies can create “pages” where users can turn fans of this company, product, service, individual, etc. Many companies create MySpace pages for themselves.

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