Steps to Follow for Promoting a Blog

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Submit to blog directories

There are a million out there – do a simple Google query for blog directories and
start submitting. Ideally, you’ll submit to directories featuring other blogs about
your topic. Don’t submit to a directory that doesn’t accommodate your specific
niche. Read the directions carefully – sometimes they only want your RSS feed
URL, and not your blog URL.

Blog frequently

Fresh content keeps both the Search Engines and human visitors coming
back to your site. Without fresh content to call the spiders, your blog will get
crawled and indexed infrequently, making it more difficult to get your pages and
posts to rank.
If you cannot commit to at least two posts a week, a blog is probably not going
to be very successful for you. After adding two posts a week for a few months,
you can probably back off to one post a week, but fresh content is what a blog is
all about. The more, the better.

Socialize your blog

These actions all make you a part of the blogging community and
encourage other bloggers to link to you.
Use social sites like MyBlogLog to network your blog. You can search tags
for other blogs with related topics and join communities with bloggers who have
similar interests.

Provide ways for others to promote your blog. Place buttons on your site making
it easy for readers to bookmark your site, tag it as a favorite, or vote for it on
other sites, like Digg, Sphinn and StumbleUpon.
Join the conversation. Write posts on your blog commenting on interesting
topics on others and link to them. Comment on other blogs and email people
who may be interested in your topic.

Use Trackbacks. When commenting on posts on other blogs, you can
sometimes leave a trackback to a post on your blog which has related subject
matter. While this feature is not always enabled, you should take advantage of it
when it is and when your post is truly relevant and adds to the conversation.
These links are valuable, even if they are no-followed, because they may draw
the blogger and his readership onto your blog and into your community. This
may result in links from elsewhere, such as blogrolls.

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