Why You Need To Use Social Media

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Hi, this is Rahul Mishra. I am doing social media networking in Compete Infotech. From my experience I can tell you that everyone should use social media sites. Reason are as follows -

1: By 2010, 26 Million (1 in 7) U.S. Adults Will Use Twitter Monthly -

In 2009, there will be 18 million U.S. adults who access Twitter on any platform at least monthly. That represents a 200% increase over 2008 levels. Usage will reach 26 million U.S. adults in 2010, a further 44.4% climb.

2: Americans Spend 17% of Online Time on Social Media Sites -

It is reported that Americans are spend their 17% time in social media sites like myspace, facebook, twitter etc. So if you not doing social media then you  lost the way of connecting with other.

3: In 2010, Over 50% of Marketers Will Be Using Social Media -

Marketers are becoming even more aware that social media marketing must be a key component of their media buy strategy.

4: Blogs Most Useful Social Media Tool, Say 51% of Businesses -

blogs were the most useful tool, bringing measurable benefits to 51% of responding companies worldwide. That was followed by video-sharing and social networking at 48% each, and RSS feeds at 45%.

5: 75% of Marketers Plan to Increase Social Media Use in 2010 -

According to a recent survey by virtual events provider Unis fair, marketers are most focused on attracting and keeping customers in 2010 and they plan to use social media to make this happen.

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