Sourav's Archive

SEO and Content Optimization for Your Website

This item was filled under [ Content Writting ]

The real meaning of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) lies in the key optimization factors of the website promotions. If you think of the complete website optimization, you will necessarily require certain quality parameters to be maintained by the website promotioners. We must not forget that the ultimate target of all the SEO promotions will merge [...]

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Internet Marketing VS Digital Media Marketing - A War Between Two Marketing Concept

This item was filled under [ SEO Tips ]

I would like to get an idea from our blog readers - what they think about this two marketing concept. I will post there valuable comments or thoughts or concept. So share your views with us. or write us at
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Why Local SEO Services Important for your Business?

This item was filled under [ SEO Tips ]

Every small business apparently required one website must to run a business. It’s a growing demand for all local as well as International businesses.  So if you have website without knowing your website or without publicity in online it’s useless. As per research it’s better to hire an offline marketing manager to online manager who [...]

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How to modify your website ranking

This item was filled under [ SEO Tips ]

Hi this is Biswajit Bhatttacharjee an employee of Compete Infotech.Now I am sharing with all of you in my daily basis work experience.
Now I am going to tell you how to modify the rankings of the website.
One of the best ways of modifying the ranking of your website between search engines is through link building. [...]

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Quality SEO Content and Online Optimization

This item was filled under [ SEO Tips ]

Are you willing to be a content writer? Would really feel excited if I ask you write something about yourself? – Your level of interest is directly proportional to the online information you have on various category of subjects along with your flare for writing.
If you think of serious writing for the web, you have [...]

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Pull Traffic through SEO Friendly Web Content

This item was filled under [ Uncategorized ]

“A paranormal world is always not something different from normal. We have got the whole heaven in front of us if we keep our eye open”
- Anonymous
When we keep our eye open we have got to visualize the natural phenomenon out there. If you feel passionate about sharing what you perceive, then you have the flare [...]

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Affiliate Marketing Management For Your Business

This item was filled under [ Pay Per Click Management ]

This is Ashim, an employee of compete Infotech. I am an affiliate Manager. I have working here for last one year. Though I have handled a lot of projects but I like to work as an affiliate manager. I like it as it a challenging job. I always like to do challenging job. Affiliates [...]

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SEO Professionals in the global Manpower Resource Hunt

This item was filled under [ Offshore Outsourcing ]

One has to be quite prolific in their professional choices. It takes only 3 seconds to take a decision but hours may be years to decide when to take the final decision. If it is related to career, it should always be given second thoughts or may be more thoughts as a whole.
Offshore Outsourcing – [...]

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Tips for some Local Small Businesses

This item was filled under [ SEO Tips ]

Reliable sources of SEO and SEM information is a matter of concern especially for the small business owners. Every single day, you will find some Search Engine Optimization companies growing up and for a small business owner, it gets too tough to manage time find the proper one out after covering the hectic schedules and [...]

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Country Specific Local SEO Tips for You

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Local Search Engine Optimization is gaining pace in the world of Internet Marketing. Google’s country specific searches are ready to offer you diverse rankings as compared to In this regards, some basic pointers are to be kept in primary focus:
Local TLD: Using a local TLD can help in improving SEPS for geo-targeted key words [...]

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