Success comes through hard work and determination

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The statement above is very true because the journey to the path of success comes through hard work and dedication. The road to success starts within the heart that wants to be the best at something –a heart, mind and soul that does not want to be ordinary, but extraordinary. The road to success is narrow, and many will miss it because the road to failure is broad and easy. Plant your feet firmly upon the rock of your desire to get your desire fulfilled. It is easy to fail; do not work hard, and do not have a dream-that is all it takes. But if you want to achieve something in life and get success you should always have a strong determination along with hard work. . Winners never look for the easy way out. They simply look at the impossible, and say to themselves to set their heart upon this lofty dream and chase after it with their whole heart.

Any ordinary person can stay ordinary, but those who will work hard, doing a daily routine, will become extraordinary people. Extraordinary people do not have any extra hands legs or brain they simply do the hard work. . There is no secret here and definitely no short cuts. It will take hard work on the part of anyone who wants to be the best how much work wills it take? That depends on your final goal or the greatness of your dream and if you want to be the best then you have to do more hard work than others do. But the problem with our human nature is that we want everything right now. We want success the same way; we want it right now and we want it the easy way. But the path of success is really tough and full of challenges but one’s you get the success its really life filled with happiness and sweet, sweet victory.

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One Comment on “Success comes through hard work and determination”

  • 9 December, 2009, 14:18

    Good Topics, really Hard work determine the future. keep it up

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