The Nuptial Knot between Tweeter and Yahoo

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Philippe Cousteau Jr., Chief Ocean Correspondent, Planet Green and Sam Champion take hazmat dive into Gulf’s oily waters. Believe it or not – into the deep and beautiful blue water, they enter and when they come out they can only say - ‘This Is a Nightmare… a Nightmare

ABC News

As there is a never ending quest of knowledge among the seriously inquisitive individuals, it is really a solace to them as to the increase in the number of the social media networking websites coming up in the hype. Every new day is a new beginning and amidst all these, let us hear what the newly married couple has to say!

Guess what – on the verge of a social media marketing boom we are on the point of the recent alliance of Tweeter and Yahoo on wider coverage of worldwide incidents and activities along with the electrifying speed of transmission through Yahoo news.

In fact, if you are not in the bandwagon, you are lost in space. Just think of the new perspective that BP will never want you to see – a deep and thick layer of infernal chemical mix found in the deep blue waters of the Gulf. Philippe and Sam moves 25 miles out of the Louisiana coast line and 25 feet deep down they found something you cannot describe. It has been quite a long time as to the oil spill disaster in the BP tanks under the Gulf waters. They said that the spread of chemical dispersant would easily break down the oil and make it less effective potentially. When our champion divers went deep into the waters, they found something else – the oil and the dispersant are getting mixed and forming an unidentified chemical mix and breaking down into further even droplets.

These droplets can be observed from below as black stormy clouds which are rolling all over the water, picked up by ocean currents and making marine ecosystem totally inadvertent of life sustenance. When asked about the reason they call it a “nightmare”, the divers explained the presence of burning oily fume-like smell that would sustain headache all the day – these are evolving out of the brand new oily solution they have never seen in their life. These seem to filter down the oily gulf and reach the bottom to create more hazards typically unknown to them. Even their hazmat suits which are protective in the general sense had to go through a degreaser wash before they took them off lest the greasy mix stuck there burn their skin terribly.

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