Be an Entrepreneur
Top 10 steps to become a successful Entrepreneur

Think of a Profitable Idea – Choose a Business to Start
Most crucial part for a new entrepreneur to identify an innovative idea – Try to pursue what you love most on the basis of your creative skills and strengths – So it will not feel like "Work Pressure".

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Latest News

Compete can go WAY beyond site ranking:
Launched New Website
FFLNational Medical Torusim
A unit of Compete Infotech enters into partnership with Narayana Hrudayalaya Hospital for their Brand promotion globally.

Compete Infotech Launched FFL Mayapur Website
All Glories to Srila Prabhupada -
Swami Maharaj H.H.Jayapataka Swami Maharaj launched website dated 24-7-2023 at ISKCON Mayapur.

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There was a time when I doubted whether I would be able to compete with my competitors but my doubt was no more when I met with you .Your experience and hard work gave my business the right exposure and I must say that it was really a great team effort.”

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Art of Digital Branding
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How to structure a site?
Google Expert Team Member Matt Cutts answers Google user questions like
How merging acquired domains with 301s? if someone have one domain and want to merge up with another company acquisitions domain what he will do?
Optimize for Search Engines or Users?
Matt Cutts answers Google user questions
like someone ask him which is more important. Whether the priority of main focus will go for search engine optimization (SEO) or end user optimization?

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