Modern Women

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There was a time when women were suppressed and dominated by the male .Even we found that a girl child was not able to continue her studies and were just kept at home thinking what is the use of spending money behind a girl so it’s better to make a boy more educated . But with time, this conception was proved to be wrong, today we find that in every walk of life girls are more forward than boys. People also now started thinking about sending their daughters to schools and colleges .And practically we find today that parents are more dependent on daughters than on sons.

Therefore at the turn of century women’s social role greatly expanded. Before then, most women’s lives centered on their labor in the household-caretaking, today we find more and more women out of the home and out of the farm and into the worlds of work and public life. Industrial society drew more and more women out of the home and into the worlds of work and public life. Women took new roles in ever greater numbers — as wage workers, as consumers, as activists and as community leaders. We find that modern women play the role of an all rounder on one side she is a mother, a wife, a daughter and even an executive of a company so a Woman basically takes a hard challenge in maintaining all the roles. So we modern women have broken out of the little boxes. Therefore a modern woman is not only a good house wife but she is equally an efficient professional who manages every look and corner of the company and tries to give hundred percent .Today’s women are always ready to take challenges at any point of time in life. There are a good number of examples like late prime minister of Pakistan Mrs. Benazir Bhutto, the great table tennis player Sunidhi Chauhan and many others. There was a time when women used to sit idle at home and was busy doing the household activities, but in today’s world the scenario has completely changed and women are now walking shoulder to shoulder with men. Women can dream bigger than ever before. But social progress has plateaued short of true gender equity, keeping many of those dreams out of reach.

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